adesso Blog
19.07.2023 By Jordy Zenik
A day with our adessi: Jordy Zenik
Jordy, a Software Engineer at our special squad Blue4IT. His client is Alliande tell us how is a day of work. He starts his morning participating in a stand-up meeting, brainstormed a new system, designed algorithms, and sought advice from ChatGPT. After coding for a bit, he logged off and went to the gym, ready for another day at work.
Read more17.07.2023 By Stefan van der Steen
PGP: Specification vs. Implementation
Stefan explains the difference between the PGP specification and its implementations in this blog post, highlighting the importance of understanding this distinction. PGP allows flexibility in the order of operations, but the specification doesn't mandate a specific order for the packets. However, there is an exception for the order of signature packets. The author recommends signing the message before encryption and suggests encrypting both the message and the signature for sender anonymity. It concludes by stating that knowing these details would have been beneficial when starting with PGP.
Read more10.07.2023 By Guus de Wit
10 types of board games for 10 types of developers
Discover the perfect board game for your next team activity in this post you can check the 10 types of board games tailored to different types of developers. Whether you're a team player, planner, risk-taker, politician, pair programmer, cherry-picker, independent worker, reviewer, analyst, or communicator, there's a game recommended just for you.
Read more05.07.2023 By Hugin Roijmans
A day with our adessi: Hugin Roijmans
In this post, Hugin one of our Software Developers, describes his workday, which involves commuting to the office by bicycle, collaborating with their team, participating in daily standup meetings, refining user stories, and engaging in pair programming. They enjoy a lunch break with their team, go for a walk, and indulge in Greek pita gyros. Then he successfully codes a feature, merges a pull request, and wraps up his tasks for the day. After work, he spends quality time with their family and plans to go for a run in the evening. Overall, it was a productive day with a good balance of work and personal life.
Read more03.07.2023 By Stefan van der Steen
PGP: What keys are used
Welcome back to our journey into the world of PGP (Pretty Good Privacy). In our previous blog, we discovered the remarkable features of PGP. Now, it's time to unlock the secrets of PGP keys. Join us as we unravel the intricacies of key sets, delve into key IDs, and explore the optimal choices for encryption. By the end, you'll have the knowledge to harness the true potential of PGP and navigate the encryption landscape with confidence. Let's dive in and uncover the magic of PGP keys!
Read more26.06.2023 By Ko Turk
Green Software Engineering: Best Practices
Discover practical ways to combat climate change and reduce your carbon footprint! This engaging blog post highlights the urgency of the issue and provides easy-to-follow tips. From measuring and improving website sustainability to making eco-conscious backend and architecture decisions, you'll find actionable steps to contribute to a greener future. Don't miss out on choosing the right hardware and hosting provider for a more sustainable online presence. Join the movement today and make a positive impact on our planet!
Read more23.06.2023 By Guus de Wit
A day with our adessi: Guus de Wit
In this post, you glimpse a typical weekly office day at Rabobank. It covers aspects such as morning routines, standup meetings, refinement sessions, lunch breaks, coding activities, and a team board game session. Guus, one our Software Engineers highlights the importance of collaboration, communication, and enjoyment within the team.
Read more23.05.2023 By Stefan van der Steen
What you need to know about PGP
Discover the basics of PGP (Pretty Good Privacy), an encryption system vital for online security. In a series of blog posts, the author breaks down the key principles of PGP, including signing, compression, and encryption. PGP combines symmetric and asymmetric encryption, using a unique session key encrypted with the recipient's public key for secure messaging. By understanding PGP, users can ensure the integrity and confidentiality of their digital communications.
Read more23.05.2023 By Natascha Hollart