
adesso Blog


How can you reap the benefits of digital tools while minimising your environmental impact? This blog post shows how to be more sustainable through conscious use and simple adaptations. Learn how sustainable digital practices can reduce the environmental footprint while promoting efficiency and longevity of technologies.

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In the world of agile software development, there are various approaches to help teams work together efficiently and deliver high-quality products. Two popular models are the classic Scrum and the Spotify model. In this blog post, I will explore the differences between the two approaches and examine their respective advantages and disadvantages.

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Software Development

11.06.2024 By Merlin Bögershausen

Automated modernisation - Part 2

Picture Merlin Bögershausen

Open Rewrite offers a variety of migrations for common libraries and frameworks. They significantly reduce the migration effort and make the application repeatable. But how can developers provide recipes for their own frameworks? In the second part of my blog post on automated modernisation, I provide an introduction to the development of Open Rewrite recipes.

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Digital Experience

In 2024, online marketing is no longer just about using artificial intelligence, but about combining different AI technologies with each other to map complex workflows. This combination enables the seamless and efficient implementation of marketing strategies. In this blog post, you can find out what such integrated AI workflows can look like and which use cases are particularly exciting.

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06.06.2024 By Christian Del Monte

Change Data Capture for Data Lakehouse

Picture Christian Del Monte

Change Data Capture (CDC) is a technique that captures all data changes in a data archive, collects them and prepares them for transfer and replication to other systems, either as a batch process or as a stream. This blog post focuses on the application of CDC in data lakehouses using the example of Change Data Feed, a variant of CDC developed by Databricks in the context of delta lake-based data lakehouses.

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Welcome back! In my first post, we journeyed through the cloud cosmos, guided by the stars: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). We discovered how each platform shines in its way, and today, we're focusing on a topic close to many of our hearts: how these cloud titans tailor their services to uniquely support and enhance small businesses.

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29.04.2024 By Guilherme Stock

Unlocking the Cloud: navigating the giants

Picture Guilherme Stock

Imagine wielding power to access infinite computing resources, sophisticated data storage, and advanced machine-learning capabilities at a moment's notice. This is not the stuff of science fiction; it's the reality made possible by the giants of cloud computing: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

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Awesome stuff usually starts with a super cool idea, a ton of hard work, and yes, sometimes, a few tears along the way. In the tech world, those amazing ideas turn into lines of code… and, yes, lots of them. If you want your app to be loved by loads of people, you're going to need more than just a good idea – you need the tech to support it.

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Some years ago I made the switch to working on a Mac, away from Windows and Linux. As I was already used to the terminal on my old Ubuntu system, the change wasn't too big of an issue. However, I just couldn't wrap my head around one thing: how window and application management is handled on macOS. Finally, after years of having a half-working setup, I have found the perfect solution, and it’s even better than what I had before!

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